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Cost of Invisalign®

How much does Invisalign cost?

We know cost is a big question for anyone considering dental or teeth straightening work. It really depends on the kind of treatment you need, how extensive the issues are that you want corrected, how long your treatment plan will last, where you live, and other factors determined by your dentist or dentist.

Clear Smiles Alaska offers a no obligation free consultation! To schedule your consultation call, (907) 522-5000.

Clear Smiles Alaska Invisalign Fees

Every patient has a different degree of teeth straightening required to perfect their smile. The price of treatment ranges from $3,500 to $10,000 depending on the amount of treatment required. Complex treatment requires more work, time, and laboratory costs for Clear Smiles Alaska and is therefore more expensive to treat. Patients needing only minor treatment spend fewer months in treatment and their laboratory costs are also less. It is our goal to provide prospective patients with enough information to proceed confidently at Clear Smiles Alaska. After a thorough, in-person Initial Exam, Dr. Triggs can determine the length of treatment required and its cost.

With our excellent payment options and same-day appointments, many patients start treatment immediately after their Initial Exam!

Let’s get started today!
Call today to schedule your
FREE Consultation!
(907) 522-5000

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Proudly treating ages 7+ | Invisalign

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Contact Info

Clear Smiles Alaska

3900 Arctic Blvd #103
Anchorage, AK 99503

Phone: (907) 331-4256
Fax: (907) 770-0474

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

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