When is the best time to begin teeth straightening? This is a question that is often asked of me by parents, especially as they see other young children in teeth straightening appliances. My specialty training in teeth straightening placed emphasis both on early treatment (7-10 years old) as well as treatment occurring later with all of the permanent teeth present.

My Answer

I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to treat numerous patients with both techniques and then review them in the following areas: finished results; duration of treatment; a number of appointments; loose appliances; cooperation and patient motivation/enthusiasm. Combining this information with new wire and appliance technology, I have concluded that for the vast majority (approximately 80 percent) of young patients, it is best to delay treatment until most, if not all, the teeth are in.

The Reasons

The five major advantages and benefits of waiting:

  1. Decreased time in braces or Invisalign and fewer appointments, resulting in:
    • Less chance of enamel decalcification and root shortening.
    • Less time absent from school or work,
    • Less opportunity for broken braces or appliances,
    • Generally, less cost.
  2. Bone growth is occurring more rapidly during the adolescent years, increasing treatment effectiveness. 
  3. Understanding and cooperation are better when a child is mature.
  4. Completing treatment in one phase is less costly than a prolonged two-phase program.
  5. More stable results.

The most optimal time to realize these benefits will vary somewhat with the individual child, but for most children, it is usually between the ages of 11 and 12.  Teeth Straightening treatment begun during this window of opportunity will usually result in braces being on for 18-24 months instead of 3 to 4 years or more.


There are a few teeth straightening conditions that do warrant a brief period of early treatment.  These include:

  1. Crossbites causing the lower jaw to shift,
  2. Severe jaw imbalances (such as an upper jaw that is too far back),
  3. Space maintenance for early loss of primary (baby) tooth,
  4. Excessive crowding causing damage to teeth bones and/or gums,
  5. Airway problems.

Additionally, if a young patient is suffering psychologically or socially from crooked upper front teeth, a brief period of partial braces can improve both the smile and self-image dramatically.  Though braces or Invisalign will typically still be needed when all the teeth erupt, I do feel this is a valid treatment indication for some youngsters.

Parting Words

Needless to say, the timing of teeth straightening is an important issue that can make teeth straightening either a rewarding and enjoyable experience or one that is prolonged and tedious.  Our observation program is set up to allow us to evaluate the patient’s dental and overall development on a regular basis in order to begin teeth straightening therapy at the appropriate time.

I hope that this information has given you both a better understanding of our practice and a positive introduction to teeth straightening.  Additionally, I hope you can see that waiting is sometimes the best “treatment”.